Youth exchange "Catch the Opportunity!" takes place from 7-17th July 2011 in Hiiumaa and brings together 32 participants from Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, Turkey, Spain and France. The main topics of the project are youth unemployment and voluntary work.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fotonäitus „Haara Võimalusest!“ TÜ raamatukogus

Alates 1. detsembrist kuni 18. detsembrini on Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogus avatud fotonäitus „Catch the Opportunity!“ (Haara võimalusest!),  mis kajastab samanimelise noortevahetuse tegevusi ja tulemusi.  Projekt tõi kokku 31 noort Eestist, Leedust, Rumeeniast, Türgist, Prantsusmaalt ja Hispaaniast. Noortevahetus toimus 7-17 juuli 2011 Hiiumaal ning projekti teemaks oli noorte töötus ja vabatahtlik töö, koos otsiti lahendusi tööpuudusele ja väärtustati vabatahtlikku tööd kui võimalust omandada kogemust mitteformaalse õppe raames. Osaluskohvikus jagati kogemusi ja arutati teemat Hiiumaa noortega, Töötukassa konsultantidega ja kolmanda sektori organisatsioonide esindajatega. Iga riigi osalejad tutvustasid oma riigi parimaid praktikaid võitlemisel töötusega ning väärtustamaks vabatahtlikku tööd.  Korraldati ka suur kampaania, mille eesmärgiks oli väärtustada vabatahtlikku tööd – noored panid käed külge küttepuude ladumisel Tohvri hooldekodus, abitöödel Samaaria missiooni keskuses, talvepuude varumisel ja ravimtaimede kogumisel Kuulikodu loomade varjupaigas ja Ave Vita maja renoveerimisel Kärdlas. Projekti lõpuks valmis dokument, mis koondas kõiki ideid vähendamaks tööpuudust noorte seas ning väärtustamaks vabatahtlikku tööd, mis tõlgiti seitsmesse eri keelde ja levitati kõikides osalejamaades. Projekti järeltegevusena korraldati ka esseekonkurss, kus Eesti Noored said jagada oma ideid antud teemadel ning võitja auhinnaks oli reis kahele Brüsselisse. Projektist saab lähemalt lugeda ja dokumendiga tutvuda: ja esseesid saab lugeda:
Projekti korraldajateks oli mitteformaalne noortegrupp Hiiumaa Seiklejad koosseisus Heleri Alles, Katrin Toe, Kadri Reidla, Loore Kääramees, Greete Tukk, Lisette Vapper ja Toomas Laigu. Noortegrupp Hiiumaa Seiklejad on osa noorteorganisatsioonist Seiklejate Vennaskond ( ning projekt viidi ellu Euroopa Liidu programmi Euroopa Noored ( toel. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The document we created :)

Letter of good ideas

How to fight youth unemployment and promote volunteering

The following document was created through the youth exchange "Catch the Opportunity!" which took place in Hiiumaa, Estonia from 7th to 17th of July 2011 and was organized by informal group of young people called Hiiumaa Seiklejad. The document consists of ideas approved by participants from six different countries – Estonia, Lithuania, Spain, France, Romania and Turkey. The document is offering some recommendations to change the situation on the employment market to foster youth employment and promote volunteering. This document was created to share the good ideas of young people with governmental organizations, business and NGOs in whole Europe – together we can make the situation better and find new solutions.

The result of the project was a set of recommendations for reducing unemployment rate among young people. The key ideas are as follows:

  • Fostering entrepreneurship, optimizing the legal system to make start-ups for youth more easy. For this there is needed for rising entrepreneurship and sense of self-responsibility, skills of active participation for young people. The small and medium size businesses should be more empowered in the legal system.
  • Encouraging existing companies to employ young people, especially unemployed skilled graduates. This could be conceived by various state aid actions.
  • Youth career counselling should be developed in schools, mixture of different educational methodologies and technologies should be introduced in basic education, as a method to promote life and labour skills, and to exchange good practice.
  • Partnership between businesses (possible employers) and youth through volunteerism and volunteer relations.
  • Intersectoral cooperation between the educational, private and governmental institutions as a possible platform for reducing youth unemployment.
  • Spreading information and social marketing of volunteerism and career counselling and promote youth possibilities to participate in various educational levels and in non-formal education activities.
  • Young people should use career consulting and governmental labour market support services to make better decisions on personal level. For improving this ability the rise critical thinking is needed, so that young people would be able to separate what is beneficial, and what is not beneficial for their careers.
  • There is a need for more effective educational system what would adapt labour market needs. Young people should be encouraged to study professions which are needed on the labour market.
  • The demand for theoretical and vocational education should be balanced. The prestige of vocational education should be promoted to put it on the same level with theoretical education.
  • Young person should take responsibility for his life and career. Young person should understand that the best planner of his future career is he/she himself/herself. Government, parents, career counsellor or labour agents can help, but can’t decide what is best for him or her. There should be clear vision of person’s future and short-term aims for achieving that.

Concrete recommendations:

  1. To create business incubators would give opportunity for active, initiative young entrepreneurs to have better conditions to start their own business rather than try to fit into the current labour market.
  2. To promote various options of employment possibilities to increase understanding of free market with emphasis on vocational specialization and possibility to create a job for yourself rather than stay a job-seeker.
  3. To create various state aid actions for recent graduates, such as tax reductions, compensating a share of salary of an employee who has never worked before and create flexible credit system for young entrepreneurs trying to enter the labour market.
  4. To promote at the primary educational level a mixture of different innovative educational practices, such as discovery and exploration, learning-by-doing and other non-formal education techniques as a method for better understanding of the world and developing one’s personal and social responsibilities as well as critical thinking.
  5. To value volunteerism as an effective way to develop person’s capabilities on a personal and professional level. By volunteering in different activities, a person shows initiative, active participation and social responsibility and gains important skills, knowledge, values and attitudes needed in everyday life. These competences should be regarded as an advantage in the labour market. To achieve this, a common system of non-formal education certification should be created and promoted through social marketing. The existing platform of Youthpass certification system, used in the EU, could be used for this.
  6. To foster close cooperation between the private, public and educational institutions and organizations to reduce unemployment among youth. Educational sector should offer services (concrete competences), which are needed for labour market. Private sector should be more involved as a base for internships for educational sector. Government should support creation of network between other sectors.
  7. To develop one’s career based on personal competences. Young person should seek to develop the competences that he/she already has and become the best at what he/she does. For this young people need to have a mixture of many different experiences as possible, so that he/she would be able to choose wisely.
  8. To reduce the number of unemployed graduate youth by offering public programmes in educational facilities for people so they would know what kind of market trends to expect: which job sectors can be overfilled and which ones are needed. As a result, businesses, educational institutions and students entering them could make their plans accordingly.
  9. To market vocational education. In many countries there is a tendency to seek higher (theoretical) education due to its popularity among employers. In addition to this, majority of young people seek titles instead of qualification thus vocational education is perceived as a less prestigious one – this mentality needs to be changed.
  10. To promote career planning for young people, because as earlier future job seekers know their aims, the more accurate planning they can do. While setting the goals and following the planned career, individual is forced to take the responsibility for his/her own action and thus - act.

All participants of youth exchange “Catch the Opportunity!” truly hope that the societies of Europe could benefit from these recommendations: discuss them and put the ideas into practice. The document is translated into seven different languages and introduced in all participating countries: Estonia, France, Lithuania, Romania, Spain and Turkey. In order to give extra information, our team members are willing to contact anyone, interested in the project or document, by email or in person.

Contributors: Ignas Dzemyda, Edgaras Švagždys, Vaida Bajalyte, Andrius Plindinas, Sarunas Salkauskas, Andrei Babcinetchi, Doina Svet, Vladislav Durnea, Stefan Miron, Oleg Zolotco, Ozkan Uzelli, Mehmet Karakaya, Sercan Sahin, Mehpare Hande Demir, Aliye Tatlipinar, Rosa Maria Bernal Ortegon, Jorge Bernal Ortegon, Jose Antonio Alvarez Pacheco, Alfredo Mauricio Castilla Avila, Omar Alejandro Ledesma Villlacis, Virginie Van Leeuw, Ian Van Geesbergen, Kathe Dewaele, Caroline Dehareng, Katrin Toe, Loore Kääramees, Greete Tukk, Lisette Vapper, Kadri Reidla, Toomas Laigu, Heleri Alles and active citizens of Hiiumaa.

Organizer of youth exchange: Hiiumaa Seiklejad (part of Seiklejate Vennaskond)

This project will be carried out with the support of the European Community programme "Youth in Action" 1

1 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


The most difficult day of the project began after a final party, so many of us were quite sleepy. From the moment we woke up, we knew that we have to be brave enough to say goodbye without fear, without tears. It is curious that at the beginning we had to take courage in order to meet new people and open ourselves to them, but we need more courage to say goodbye to the same people after just 9 days with them.

We enjoyed our final brunch all together at the Kompressor and after that it was the moment to say goodbye for the first time, Caroline and Virginie were the first to depart and some hours later all the Lithuanian group. It was difficult, but hugs and kisses made it easier as well as the promises of seeing each other soon in the future. The rest of us had more time to spend, all of us except the Estonians booked one room in the Dancing Eesti, so we knew that we had one night more although most of us had to depart early in the morning, so we decided to share our last drink at 9 pm. It was a fun end, we talked a lot about the future and our experiences in the project and when we decided that it was time to sleep, we said goodnight as well as goodbye.

Alejandro and Andrius

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bicycle trip day

Breakfast. This day was special. Turkish team preparedtheir traditional meal Menemen. It includes onion, peper, tomatoes and eggs. It was very tasty. It was a kind of intercultural experience for all of us. We will try to prapare it in our homes.

Then we had bicycle trip. All group was divided in two groups. First one went after breakfast, another one went after lunch. We traveled much in Hiiuma forests, all around local villages, discovering Estonian nature, rural culture and beauty. We visited the oldest lighthouse in world at Kopu, the one that works still. We felt, that this house could be used for defence as well, becouse it has small holes in the walls for snipers. The stairs are high and very narow, it makes climbing difficult. On the top of the lighthouse you can feel on top of the Hiiumaa, it is good to see all the island, it is all green, very different from other countries.

It was so nice for all of us to travel in one of the most beautiful paradises in the world.

Also, during of trip we felt the feeling of common spirit, the sense, that all we have something common, not taking into account our cultural background, religion, race, other diversities. We understood, that we will meet again, in other projects, in our counties, in our life.

In evening sauna party is waiting, it was the first time for some of participants on Sunday and it is judged both wise, also for cultural background. Of course, it is good after tiring bicycle trip.

Ignas Dzemyda from Lithuania and Sercan Sahin from Turkey

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

13th july - Surprise Estonians!

We started this beautiful day with having breakfast, like usually. The weather was really nice!

After the breakfast, we spoke about our voluntaaring day and shared our experiences of this work. It was a really interesting discussion because we realized that everyone was so happy of this day ! It made us also realize the importance of volunteering as it benefits everyone : the volunteer as well as the people you help. We discussed a lot about volunteering especially how it can help a person find a job and how to make volunteers more attractive for employers.

Following right after the lunch, we had some free time, so we decided to go to the beach ! Sun bathing, swimming in the Baltic sea, playing volleyball – it all felt too good to be true, yet it was.

We started the evening doing some theatrical sketches to show different sides of unemployment and how it can be solved, but the real surprise came after, when we organized a surprise thank-you party for the Estonians ! We built a huge bonfire at the end of the pier, tried to sing their national anthem, but could only manage one verse, yet the thank-you speech practically moved everyone to tears ! The night was long, but at the end everyone finally went to bed to prepare for the new day.

Best wishes,
Caroline from France and Sarunas from Lithuania

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Volunteering at Samaaria

After guys to Koolikodu were off the bus, there were only left five of us and some participants to
Kärdla's volunteering bus. I'm very happy I had such a great and little group of people to come with me to help a lovely lady who is helping Hiiumaa's old, homeless and sick people. THANK YOU IAN, EDGARAS, ROSA and ANDREI! You were great! :)

When we arrived to Samaaria second-hand shop, which also was a shelter for people, who have had rough life for some reasons (illness, disability, homeless etc), we firstly had a great tour
through the building. Inhabitants of this shelter lived in very nice rooms, 2-3 person in one room. Living conditions there were great and we all were happy that Hiiumaa has such place for people who need help :)
After the tour lovely manager of this home, as I like it call, gave us our works. Rosa was cleaning the windows inside the house, Ian and Edgaras cut the heck, me and Andrei cleaned the basement. I have to say that work wasn't the easiest one but we all managed it well.
Manager was really pleased with us. She didn't think we could do all the works that fast. She offered us DELICIOUS lunch, cake, tea and gave us presents too. We also had some time to play outside with some fun toys :P

We were so happy and satisfied that we had the chance to do something good for these people.
After this day I personally understood how good it really is to do that kind of volunteering job. It makes you feel much more special and it makes people happy.

Thank you again Ian, Edgaras, Rosa and Andrei for this wonderful day! The manager is really happy that we visited her and helped her :)

Volunteering activity supporting Estonian Loore :)

Volunteering at Kuulikodu

The second group who climbed off the bus was the one to go to do their volunteering work in Harju. Harju is a village in Hiiumaa that is special for Kuulikodu, the only animal shelter on the whole island. Kuulikodu is a NGO that offers home for abandoned animals, organizes different training courses and lectures and takes care of local animal protection issues. When our group arrived there, we got warm greetings from Kadri, the caretaker of Kuulikodu. At first Kadri invited us inside her house, where we all sat down in a cozy living room and introduced ourselves, the project and our mission there. Kadri also talked a bit about herself and the essence of Kuulikodu in general.

After the introduction part our voluntary work started. The task for the day was to help Kadri to prepare the household for winter by carrying cut-down logs of wood from the forest to the collecting place near the house. It wasn’t too difficult and we had fun creating different ways, how to make our work more effective and faster. By cooperating and dividing tasks we managed to finish working at the first pile of logs quite fast. However, our work there was far from being done yet!

After eating delicious vegetarian lunch that Kadri had prepared for us, we continued with working. This time we decided to divide our group into two: boys and girls. Originally boys were supposed to carry big heavy logs out from the woods by themselves and girls at the same time were supposed to carry on with lighter work; however soon the group was united again as together the work was just so much easier! By working together, we were soon out of work again, so we took another brake to collect our strength… or to be quite honest, because those logs were HEAVY! So, exhausted, we sat down with Kadri once again just to relax a bit, play with lovely kittens and dog and just to chat. After the break, Kadri took us to a field to pick some herbs. We examined different plants and Kadri introduced us different possibilities of their usage. When we eventually arrived back with some flowers and herbs, it was time to leave. We said farewell to Kadri and to the animals and got into the bus, which took us back to Kalana.

Everybody was very pleased that they had decided to volunteer in Kuulikodu, because all the positive feedback we got from Kadri was absolutely amazing and her gratitude was endless, even though we didn’t do so much at all! We all went back with such positive emotions and a feeling that volunteering is really worth an effort!

By: Greete

Volunteering at Tohvri

In the morning we had a quick lunch, grabbed some sandwiches to go and hopped on the bus. We were the first team to go off from the bus at Tohvri retirement home, where our voluntary action was to take place. After meeting the manager, we put on the gloves and headed for our mission – stack firewood. First task was to put the winter wood into woodpile of 3 meters. We made a human chain to make the task easier and work was progressing well. Only angry wasps didn’t like our effort and give us some hard time, stinging Oleg twice.

We made a little break to have a short chat with Estonian minister of social affairs, who just happened to visit Tohvri on the same day as our action took place. We told him about our project, our mission, shook hands and made a photo together. After that we continued our work with the woods.

We had delicious lunch and after that we continued with different task, but still making stacking firewood. When we finally finished, we were really tired, but happy with the result. Volunteering gives satisfaction for the soul.

We also discovered a little bit surrounding areas near Tohvri, visiting the Sõru harbour and old ships. It was a good day :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

11"th July travel to Kardla: Participant Cafe

Tere to everybody!

We are on Monday 11th July and we starting the day in the bus going to the Kardla. We arrived to the city centre around 11 and then we have our first shopping experiences in Hiimuaa. Later we went to beautiful restaurant with nice grass fields around and the beach. Before waiting to eat, some people played football some others were lazy and some made funny games.

Finally at 13:30 we got a tasteful lunch attended by beautiful waitresses. It was nice taste of Estonian foods, afterwards in a hurry to participant cafe.

There two women made a presentation of Estonian unemployment insurance fund. Also Heleri gave us a more interesting presentation about EVS and Toomas talked about career consulting.

We were divided on five different groups to talk about: What government should do to decrease unemployment?, How does volunteer work increases the possibilities to find a job?, Higher /Vocational education, Promoting volunteering and the last one was basic education. Every twenty minutes we changed to different topic and the people taking part in the debating.

The topics were difficult because 20 minutes is not enough for finding solutions. At the beginning we were bored a bit but we were getting more interested on during the process.

Then back to Kalana.

Ending the day we were ready to have beach party with locals but we just found wind in our faces.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Simulation Game and Practices from different countries for fighting unemployment

In the first part of the day, Lithuanian group organized for us a simulation game which topic was unemployment. It was a simulation about life where everybody were a role like in real life (shop owner, buisness man, employer, policemen, administrator, dealer, prostitutes...) some people had a employment and others no. The goal of this game was to understand diificulties to found a work and to survive without one but also realise the inconvenients of a shop owner or buisnessnan. We have also realised that some traffic or black shop can take place when the situation ask it. This game represtented one week with all obligations that someone meet in his life like food, drugs someties,... After that everybody has told what were his impressions and feelings. We concluded that unemlpoyment is an very important issue in modern times, which has a lot of different causes and backgrounds.

In the afternoon we had an workshop, where every country presented the situation with unemlpoyment with a focus on youth unemployment from their countries, statistical data from European Union and different practices to fight unemployment. Some of countries have now bigger problems with unemployment, the others are having very low unemployment rates, like Belgium. Our conclusion was that in each country we can find both good and bad practices, that cpuld be easily implemented on European level.

In the evening, our wonderful Estonian hosts organized for us a barbecue in the forests of Hiiumaa Island, which have been an excelent opportunity for socializing and to know each other better. The night ended with a traditional Estonian Sauna Party. It was a quite extreme experience for some of the participants, taking into account that sauna was combined with baths into the cold waters of the Baltic Sea. At the end of the day everybody was happy :D

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The beginning

Five people, one car and 9 hours on a road. That’s how Lithuanian team arrived at the Hiiumaa island. Finally! Amazingly beautiful sunrise while waiting for a ferry to Hiumaa. Just couple more hours and…PARADISE!

Lithuanian (Vaida’s) team was the first one to show up on a camp – sorry - a piece of heaven in the middle of nowhere called Kalana Holiday Resort: hot sun, blue skies, rocky beach, green trees and plenty of adventures ahead! For the rest of the day Lithuanian team was enjoying all the pleasures of Kalana resort and waiting for the rest to arrive. Estonian group was the first one. Four chatty smiling girls arrived and started showing us where our home for the next 10 days will be: small wooden houses situated among high trees, facing the coast of the Baltic sea.

Belgian (Ian’s) group showed up late in the evening, together with the rest. Plenty of smiling, excited and couple of serious, kinda lost faces came out of the bus. Lithuanian and Estonian group met them at the main house. It was a late evening already so everybody just dropped their stuff in the small houses and got together to the main harbor house to start getting to know each other. The evening started with name games and lasted for couple of hours so afterwards we managed to remember at least couple of names. There are many left to learn. Hopefully we will learn a lot throughout the next 9 days:) Everybody had a long day today, so we’ll keep it short. Goodnight and see ya!

Ian and Vaida

Monday, June 27, 2011

Advance planning visit 17-20. June 2011

Advance planning visit (APV) took place from 17th June to 20th June in Tallinn and Hiiumaa in Estonia. In the morning of 17th I had to finish my exam and hurry to Tallinn - to buy some bananas for breakfast and pay for the plane tickets to Hiiumaa.
Katrin at the same time went directly to the airport to pick up first arrivals: José Antonio from Spain and Özkan from Turkey. It was pouring rain and the first impression of Tallinn was not really summer-like. We all met up in the hostel and continued together to Compressor to have some real Estonian pancakes. Toomas and Lisette met us there - already a small meeting to get to know each other and share our thoughts about the project.
After we continued to a real Estonian sauna party to discover the real Estonian culture. We met some friends of Toomas' and Lisette's and had really good time. And we didn't care about the rain anymore.
But we started to care again when we tried to get a taxi to go and pick up Andrei from Romania and Maxime from France who were arriving past midnight. There just weren't any taxis available!!! Unbelievable... but finally... we got one and got to the airport just in time (fortunately plane was late). Back to the hostel and time to end the first night :)

On Saturday we started really early - the plane to Hiiumaa was 9.00 and we had to be in the airport at 08.00.
We had some kohuke, sweet pies and bananas for breakfast and off to the plane we were! It was nice short flight only lasting 30 minutes and offering great views. And even same barbaris candies were offered :)

First sight of Hiiumaa

Welcome to Kärdla airport!

In Hiiumaa a small minibus was waiting for us to take us to Kalana, on the far end of the Kõpu peninsula. We made a stop in local supermarket to buy some things for the evening (we were going to prepare the meals ourselves for the evening) and also to pick up Loore who was coming from Kassari where she is living. Less than an hour and we were in Kalana!

We decided to take the ferry next time when we'll come here!

Workshop area for sunny days!

We made new friends!

Özkan and local boy who was kindly willing to lend us his fishing equipment

Getting to know the place we are going to stay!

Kalana is a beautiful place, just by the seaside in the middle of pine forest. We got ourselves two cabins - small houses for 4-5 people. We discovered the area around us - the places to sleep during the exchange, the seminar room, sauna and surroundings.
Finally also Ignas from Lithuania together with his friend got there - they had to wait for the ferry because the first one was fully booked. We started our official meeting with discussing all the practical things - food, accommodation, insurance, tickets, participant data etc. And we continued with practical food tasting for lunch - some Estonian Thai food, similar to the meals during the project :)


Discovering Hiiumaa in environmental way

To go fast is the way to avoid mosquitoes !

These roads are like made for bicycling!

In front of Kõpu lighthouse!

And on top of Kõpu lighthouse!

After lunch it was time to discover Hiiumaa and see some of the places we were going to visit during the project. As we got the great idea to discover Hiiumaa by bicycles during the project, we decided to do the same during the APV. It was a great experience and we managed to see several places we were going to visit during the project and also find out, that bicycles indeed are the best option to see the island. We also climbed to the Kõpu Lighthouse - the symbol of Kõpu peninsula.

Time to swim!?

Discovering Estonian culture & heritage

Checking out the old military houses...

The far end of the peninsula

This is how me make marinade for šašlõk

In the evening it was time for intercultural/Estonian night. From our side we prepared typical Estonian barbecue (šašlõk) and all helped out. We did it in the traditional way, which some people found totally normal and some not so much... but well this is intercultural learning. Also our guests offered us their traditional food: some cheese, wine, bacon etc. It was nice evening in spite ofmosquitoes. And to end the evening everyone had the chance to experience real Estonian sauna with sea of temperature +10. And everybody did :)

One of the little houses... this has places for 4-5 people

Sauna !!!

On the last day we stared with the breakfast which was done by ourselves - just as we plan to do it during the project. After that we started with the meeting in the seminar room - it was especially good time for meeting as it was raining again. We discussed the daily plan and all the workshops and made sure that everyone had equal share of tasks. Group leaders could ask about the things they were concerned about and we also divided the days of responsibility to the countries. We discuses about the voluntary action, participant cafe and the final document we were going to prepare.
For lunch we had some chicken and potato combo and real Estonian Kama. Kama rules!

Meeting & preparation for the project...



After lunch we continued with the meeting and also collected all the documents (tickets, boarding passes) from our guests.

Soon it was time to start finishing - we cleaned up our rooms, packed our bags and the bus was already waiting for us to take us back to Kärdla to catch the plane. We said goodbye to Loore and Lithuanians who started in different direction.

In Tallinn it was already evening... we had accommodation in the same hostel as we stay during the project and participants had the time left to discover Tallinn.

See you in 2 weeks!

Heleri from Estonia :)

Monday, June 20, 2011


To start with...

My name is Kadri and I am one of the organizers of the international project called „Catch the Opportunity“. The main goal of this event is to discuss issues concerning unemployment and especially youth unemployment and how to decrease it.

During the process we are going to meet young people from Hiiumaa, members of different voluntary organizations, the workers of Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund and local decision makers.

As a result we hope to prepare a document gathering all our ideas, which we tend to deliver to different organizations, decisions makers, political parties and institutions not only in Estonia, but also in our partner countries.

The project itself takes place in July (7.-17.) in one of Estonian islands called Hiiumaa and brings together 35participants from 6 different countries (Estonia, Lithuania, Spain, France, Turkey, Romania).

This project is not only about an attempt to work out solutions for unemployment (through voluntary work and non-formal learning), but also gives a brief insight to all participants’ cultures - so different from each other. While getting to know all of them, we hope to break ruling prejudices and contribute to the integration between the countries in the EU as well as the ones waiting for the proposal to join in.

Hope to upload new posts as soon as possible..

Take care
